Monday, July 4, 2011

A Dreamer's Life

Blogging has taken a back burner to my new temporary online addiction... Baking Life! It's a Facebook game where you create and run your own bakery. Right up my alley! I am almost embarrassed to admit that I feel somewhat committed to this pretend business, and I actually feel pleased when it flourishes. Maybe this is because I truly do love to bake in real life, and owning a successful bakery would probably be one of my dream jobs. This reminds me of a recent blog post by my fellow blogger friend Yvonne, which was about dream jobs. There are probably a lot of jobs I would call a dream job for me. Mostly they are not extravagant or unrealistic though, and most of my dreams for life are not. A few jobs I would be happy to have would be: owning a bakery (but I would not be the one to decorate cakes... because I dislike that part), hula-hooping for money, writing a children's book, a yoga teacher, an editor, full-time beach babe, etc. Some of these are obviously more achievable than others, although I doubt I will end up doing any of them. Except maybe becoming a yoga teacher. Cause that would be a pretty great side job... getting paid to do something you'd be doing anyway. Nice!

Other than the previously mentioned jobs, my dream life would involve a medium sized, beautiful home with a loveable cat and maybe a smallish well-behaved dog, lots of yard with trees and few neighbors. I would have a sweet hubby to grow old with, and maybe some kiddies at some point. My vehicle of choice would be a jeep and maybe something more practical for winter. Maybe I would travel, but sometimes traveling is only good for me in theory and not in practice. I would have a room with lots of shelves filled with books that I will have read, and a kitchen with all kinds of baking supplies and tools. These are some of my life dreams.... I'm sure I will gather more as I go... maybe some that are more adventurous... but for now I like my idea of a happy life, so I'm stickin' with it! :)

1 comment:

  1. no sense dreaming... see where u want to be and set goals to get there!! i feel like i am running a bakery today!! xo
