Monday, July 18, 2011

Gifts Galore!

Gifts! Gifts are awesome. I've been thinking about this lately because my girl friend Lesley just had a birthday, and Chris's sister Rachel is having a baby girl pretty soon.

Obviously I love getting gifts, but I also really LOVE buying and giving for other people. I put a lot of thought and care into the gifts I give, and I take pride in it. Some people do gifts half-ass, without really thinking about the reciever and what he/she would really enjoy. I think that's lame. I always enjoy gift buying like a sport... be creative, think out of the box, what temptation would the person resist buying for themselves? Unique gifts are the most fun, and I love when I come across something very different. Sometimes I have to sort of reign myself in, because I could easily spend a lot of cash on making presents as fabulous as possible.

Unlike others, I rarely stress during gift giving events or season... with one exception. That exception is Dad. For how many years is it acceptable to consistently buy one person books, tshirts, and chocolate for holidays? Someone needs some new hobbies that I can support...

Maybe I'll just put all my energy into buying stuff for Rachel's baby girl, cause I can totally see an addiction happening there for me. Me + An excuse to buy adorable baby items = Trouble. Baby stuff is just so damn cute! And god knows there will be no little person popping out of J Hodd's bod any time soon. That mental image is a true nightmare... I prefer to ogle over something that I really have no responsibility for and do not have to grow inside my own body for several months. Gross. Much better to enjoy someone else's efforts and then leave it with them after you've spoiled it and gone home child-free :)

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha everywhere I turn there is talk of babies!! I cannot escape it.

    I wish so desperately I was a good gift giver but I royally suck at it. Garret, on the other hand, rocks. So I usually end up feeling guilty for buying sucky presents because him& Mom are amazing at it :(
