Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Must... not... give... up....

I have like 10 other things I should be doing instead of blogging, but here I am. Just thought I'd share a little tale with you all tonight.

So one of my buds who is taking biology with me is doing a portfolio project which requires volunteers (enter me) to do 30 minutes of physical activity that gets the heart rate up to at least 70%. I must do this for at least 2 weeks (I think... memory is a bit foggy on this detail... could be longer). I tried to start doing this last Saturday. Then I was in so much pain for the rest of Sunday and Monday that I fell out of it and must now start again. So I did, tonight. I did something like 80 jumping jacks and a 20 minute run. The problem is that I'm terribly out of shape for this kind of activity. My yoga practices give me good breaths but don't really condition me for endurance in running. Meaning I basically die after jogging for 5 minutes straight. Needed a new strategy. Started doing run one minute, walk a minute. Much more achieveable this way, but not sure if I'm still meeting the requirements for the study. Will have to clarify at the next meeting. I also don't think my heart rate is getting all the way up to 70%. I'm getting up to somewhere like 130 beats per minute, but I need to be at 159. This poses a problem for me because my heart is already beating out of my chest at 130ish and my breath is pretty much maxed out. This makes me wonder if I'm just counting wrong and missing some beats or something. If anyone out there has any suggestions for improvements, I will gladly accept them!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

What have I been up to?

My lovely aunt reminded me today that I need to update my blog! Thanks for the reminder... easy to update now that I have a day off to sit for a while and think about what I want to write.

So last weekend I did two main things that I'll write about: The Ten Thousand Villages sale and my overnighter to Cape Breton.

All I can say about the Ten Thousand Villages sale is... AWESOME! I was so excited to be there I think I may have peed a little. Okay, not really, but I was still really thrilled to attend. I was surprised by how busy it was there. I didn't realize how many people would be interested in such a thing. As you may have seen on my autocorrect blooper pic on facebook yesterday, I got a Christmas gift for my dad at the sale, but it wasn't a thong as my text message to my mother may have suggested! Next year I think I will get some gifts for other people as well. It's a great place to find some unique items, and I always love giving a unique gift! Other than what I bought for faja, I also bought myself a woven market basket which I plan on using when I go to the grocery store instead of having to take one of those nasty plastic baskets they provide for you there. Guess what, I see the range of people who touch those, and I would prefer not to have to handle the baskets after them. Chris told me I'm going to look like a weird hippie chick but I am A-O-K with that! Hippie chick is actually a pretty good word to describe me in general, I think...

My market basket. If you wet it you can re-shape it however you want. Neat!

So, after my Ten Thousand Villages adventure I hit the road to CB. A solid three hours later and I met up with my girlfriend Rebecca at her CBU dorm. After I presented her with my gifts of homemade chocolate chip cookies and a box of Halloween cheesies, we headed over to the mall for a little shopping (and by little I do mean I only bought three things... must manage self when self has no money...). After that we went to Don Cherry's for supper (thanks cuz for the directions!) and it was SO GOOD. Mmm... will be going there again for sure. Fast forward to the next day... Rebecca and I go to Mickey D's for breakfast and who do I see at the gas station next door? My mudder and fadder! Three hours from home and I still run into those nuts. A little while later I take off for home, and thus complete my long weekend.

So what else have I been up to this week? Well Chris and I checked out some new apartments being renovated approximately 30 seconds from where we currently live. Very nice and new but lacking a living room and enough space for all of our furniture so no go on those. Thursday night I went to an advanced screening of Twilight with my friend Katie, and tonight I'm going again with my other friend Lesley. Twilightttttt <3 Such a nerd, but I just enjoy it so damn much.

Speaking of books turned movies, Yvonne (linked ya twice in one post, practically famous?) got me thinking about the book, and soon to be movie, The Hunger Games. I've seen the movie previews on TV lately and it looks interesting, so I downloaded the ebook last night and will probably start reading it today. I'll let ya know how it is. Now if you'll excuse me, there is a little kitty snuggled in next to me and I think she looks like she needs some cuddles. Enjoy the weekend!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Let's talk about something else...

So today I'm getting pretty pissed off with people and their ignorant rumours. In case you haven't heard, the remains of the missing girl I had posted about before were found, and it is now being investigated as a homicide. I could rant about this forever, but I decided to do myself a favour and write about something positive on here today instead. Pictou County has been filled with enough negativity lately as it is.

So, what am I going to write about instead? Things I am actually looking forward to in the next while:

1) The Ten Thousand Villages sale happening at a local church this Saturday. In case you don't know what Ten Thousand Villages is, I've been gracious enough to include a link here for you! Twice in fact ;)Definitely check it out... it's right up my alley. I better bring a wad of cash with me because I suspect I'll want to buy everything. My only challenge is figuring out where the church is...

2) Going to Cape Breton after I stop by the sale on Saturday to spend some quality time with my friend Rebecca. Maybe some shopping, Don Cherry's, and who knows what else yet. What I do know is that it should be a good time.

3) The advanced screening of Twilight that my friend Katie and I are going to next Thursday. Loved the books, enjoyed all the movies thus far, and the tickets for the screening were an amazing deal because we got them through the college. Eight bucks for the movie ticket, which also includes a popcorn and drink. What a steal, I tell ya.

4) Finishing up some of my courses. I've already gotten the university application out of the way, now I just have to push through and finish these pre-req courses. One is almost done... two are about half way... then two more full ones to go... I will be glad to see the end... marks are fantabulous so far though! They'd be crazy not to want me to be a nurse :)

5) Being almost done of my Christmas shopping, and then it being Christmas. I have almost all of my shopping done already. I'm on fire this year... I started very early and was very successful in all of my purchases.  My biggest task ahead of me is finishing a scrapbook all about Sadie, which I'm giving to Chris's sister, Rachel. So far it's lookin' some good if I do say so myself!

6) My little kitty Willow getting settled and becoming more fond of us. She's getting there now, and I love it. I adore kitty snuggles!

Those are the main things on my mind lately. We'll see what comes after that! Enjoy the long weekend and try avoid all the negative vibes floating around!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Practically a profit

So today had the potential to be a very expensive day, but it turns out I ended up with more money than I started with!

To start off, Chris and I have adopted a little 18 month old kitty who we named Willow. She was under Brian&Lesley's deck crying for a week, so they felt really bad for her and took her in. They couldn't keep her though, and she seems like such a nice little kitty, so Chris and I finally said we would adopt her.

Today was Willow's appointment to go get spayed, since we all thought she wasn't. I got up bright and early to take her in to the vet, where I said my temporary goodbyes and leave her with the professionals. Back to home I go, and to my surprise a little while later I get a phone call from the vet. Turns out Willow is already spayed. Score! No charge for a fixed kitty. It did make me worried that she actually does belong to someone though, so once I got back from picking miss Willow up, I called the local spca. No one had reported a cat missing fitting Willow's description, and the woman on the phone seemed to think it sounded like maybe Willow was a "drop off". What a sin... not sure how anyone could do that to an animal.

On a side note... there was an article in the paper today about two puppies that were found with their throats cut, left on the side of the road. The woman who found them rushed them to the vet and it looks like they're going to make it! That is good news indeed... but it is disturbing that people do such things to helpless little animals...

Back to my original topic - After all my shenanigans with Willow were over for the day, I got ready to go to class for the afternoon. I put on a coat I haven't worn much lately, and when I got down to the car I put my hand in my pocket and found $10! I love finding money I didn't know I had!

Just to remind you of the math in case you haven't been keeping up, I:
Didn't spend $100's
Found an extra $10

Which is practically a profit in my mind! Good day.