Friday, June 3, 2011


At what age does peer and societal pressure dissolve? Certainly not the age I am at right now. I would prefer to say that I do not let it affect me, as I am STRONG and CONFIDENT with who I am. Yeah, right.

Of course, things have improved since I was younger. I can make my own choices; I am more of a leader now and less of a follower (which partially resulted from a change in friendships). The problem I seem to most often face now is that I do not always enjoy doing that which most other people my age spend every weekend doing. Drinking my face off and partying hard. Why don't I enjoy this as much as others? Probably for a couple of reasons: 1) I'm broke. HOW DO YOU PEOPLE AFFORD THIS LIFESTYLE????? 2) I'm not single and looking to hook up. 3) It just doesn't interest me very much; I enjoy myself just as much doing other quieter things.

I am pretty comfortable with my reasons for not participating in certain activities as much as other people, but for some reason I sometimes feel pressured and guilty as if I am letting myself miss out on something that shouldn't be missed. Will I regret it in the future? I think probably not. I'm usually a good predictor as to whether I will regret my decisions. I don't regret missing high school formals like people said I would. I don't regret leaving university like people said I would. Will I regret not partying enough? Who knows, really. I doubt I'll change my current lifestyle in that respect. If other people my age think that I'm more boring and uninteresting because of it, then I think I can probably live with that in the long run.


  1. Gail Hodder ... aka MamaJune 3, 2011 at 9:52 PM

    Always be yourself and enjoy life !

  2. i never enjoy the social engagements as much as i think i should... most times i bow out if i can... when i can't i just tolerate and pretend and get out asap... people are not one of my favorite things! xo
