Monday, August 8, 2011


Sad news, loyal followers. My Fossil purse purchase might have to wait until richer times. Darn priotizied responsibilities. Took my car in to get checked out thinking I would probably leave with a new wheel bearing... turns out I did but also had to purchase new parts for my brakes as well. Bummer. Wish Mr. Mechanic Man had been correct in his initial idea that maybe my brakes were just dirty...

So that consumed my whole morning today... started and almost finished a new book in those three hours. Might stop by the book store and invest in the next book in that series after work today. A new book is rather cheaper than a new purse, sadly. As for right now, I am sitting at work wondering what to do with myself. At some point I have to do my WHMIS and OHS courses online... but I'm not feeling terribly motivated to do that today.

That reminds me, I paid my tuition last week for three academic level courses that I need in order to apply the nursing program I'm interested in. I paid $550 to take three courses I could have gotten for free in high school. Awesome. Really ahead of the game here, Jessica.

Well, that's all for now. Summon your inner duck and enjoy the weather!

1 comment:

  1. aww... you need you wheels... purse can wait... sad but true...xo
