Wednesday, August 17, 2011

I doubt you're that popular.

Today a thought popped into my head while I was on facebook. I've had this thought many times on facebook, so today I figured I might as well express it via blogger.

Why is it necessary for people to have so many friends on facebook? Almost everyone I check has over 400 friends. Some people even have thousands. GET REAL. There is no way in hell that you actually have 400 friends in your life. Maybe you have met that many people, or they could be distant acquaintances, but they are not your friends and I'm pretty sure you don't need them on your facebook friend list.

I frequently go through my friends list and clear out anyone I don't talk to on a regular basis or wouldn't be able to have a conversation with if I saw them in person. I just checked, and I currently have 88 people, some of which will still probably get cut out in the upcoming months. Even that number is excessive. Do we really need so many people to be able to access us or for us to access them? I don't think so. If I don't feel the desire to know you enough that I would befriend you in person, then I don't see the purpose in having access to your personal life via facebook. Sure, sometimes I'm nosey and like to see what people are up to, but facebook has become excessive in that it becomes a competition for some people. If you don't have a lot of people on your facebook, you must not be popular, right? At a cyber-bullying workshop I attended the Community Policing Officer told us that there is a sort of fad happening with youth where it's like Facemon instead of Pokemon - Gotta get em all.

This all may sound fairly hypocritcal considering I'm blogging on the big old world wide web here, but to be honest the only reason I continue to blog is to give myself an outlet for my writings, and also for the people that I know in life outside of the internet who enjoy reading it. For some reason the friending craze on facebook just seems to bother me. Maybe it's because I hate that people put on such facades in their lives, and it is now spilling over onto fcebook as well.

To be clear, I don't expect anyone else to necessarily feel the same about this whole rant, or to rush over to facebook and delete half of your "friends". This is my blog, and these are simply my ramblings. Enjoy it for what it is.

1 comment:

  1. lol... love this... have discussed this samething many times with friends... real life ones
