So, as per usual I'm sorry I haven't blogged since last week. I've actually been fairly busy, which I'm enjoying. After my blog post last week, I was busy preparing supplies for the day camp reunion BBQ that I was holding on Sunday. Saturday was beautiful so I beached it with mama and papa bear, and Sunday was the day of the BBQ so that was somewhat hectic but really fun. The BBQ went off without much trouble and everyone really enjoyed themselves, so all my hard work was well worth it. I took Monday and Tuesday off work, so Monday I went shopping in Truro with mama bear and Tuesday I took a quick trip to Metallifax with my boyfrand who hates shopping for long periods of time. All we did in city was stop at Town Shoes to pick up my birthday boots and then went to Toys R Us in the MicMac Mall to buy Rachel a baby gift.
Rachel's baby gift! A Moses basket and some supplies. |
The card I made for Rachel's stepdaughter. We also got her a gift but I don't have a picture of that... |
Mission accomplished, so we headed back home. Yesterday I worked and then volunteered all evening doing three hours of face-painting. I can't even begin to count how many kids I face-painted... it was a lot. I was getting damn good at it by the end though... spiders, butterflies, Boston Bruins symbols, the Hulk, dogs, frogs, and sooo many more. I couldn't believe how good the kids were at sitting still for me. I was really impressed... I can only think of one that was hard to do but that was only because she was under the age of two and didn't really understand why she had to sit still so long anyway. So anyway, you can now clearly see why I would not have time for such a silly thing as
blogging in the midst of all that! Don't count on another post this weekend either... tonight Chris and I are helping his brother and brother's girlfriend move into their new apartment (exciting for them!) and tomorrow I'm heading up to Antigonish after work to enjoy some party rockin' with my girlfriend Rebecca. Saturday I'll probably be hungover and we all know that no significant thoughts other than "TV is goooood." and "Why do so many of my body parts hurt?" will be happening that day. Maybe on Sunday I'll blog about my job prospects for the fall. Won't that be exciting for you all! :) Check back in then...
fun stuff... enjoy the weekend... party like a rock star!! xo