Friday, September 23, 2011

Don't do it!

I drove by a woman sitting on her doorstep wearing pyjama pants in the middle of the day yesterday and it got me to thinking. When I see someone wearing PJs during the day my perception is that there is something negative going on with that person. Sick, depressed, lazy, low self esteem maybe, etc etc. I should also probably clarify that I mostly only think this if I see the person wearing PJs IN PUBLIC. It hardly matters what you wear if you're staying at home all day. Although, I do think it boosts a persons motivation and self image if you take the time to clean yourself up and put on "day-time" clothing. In fact, I think there must really be some scientific correlation there. I once heard that it's important to set up a "study area" for yourself when you're in school because if you just flop on your bed to study, your brain associates that with where you go to sleep, so you tend to be less focused on actually learning. Maybe wearing PJs all day is kind of like that too.

Anyway, I'm sure there are "PJs in public" wearing people out there who would read this and say "There's nothing wrong with me! I just choose to wear this because it's what I'm comfortable in!" but I think those people should probably take a closer look at themselves and their reasons for choosing to wear that specific attire. Also, I think people should perhaps be more aware of their public image for other reasons as well. I doubt it would make you look too good if you came across your boss, potential employer, etc. out somewhere and you were wearing pyjama pants with some kind of animal/food/stripe on them.

I don't even think these are pyjama pants... but they certainly have the same effect...
Maybe I should get these ones...?


  1. gailhodder@hotmail.comSeptember 23, 2011 at 10:06 PM

    I think you definately need those pj's , lol...

  2. this is a major part of my belief system... get up... dress up!
